Aycliffe Village Primary & Nursery School

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Aycliffe Village, Newton Aycliffe, Darlington DL5 6LG


01325 300227

Childcare Provision

Wraparound Care – Before and After School Club

From January 2025 we are able to offer the following for our pupils ad families.

Aycliffe Village Primary and Nursery School offers wraparound care in the form of Breakfast and After School Clubs – from 7.30am until 6pm for pupils in Nursery - Year 6

and after school provision until 4:45pm for Nursery pupils and 6pm for pupils in Reception - Year 6

Breakfast club – Nursery to Y6 – opens at 7.30am, and children will receive a drink with a bagel or cereal. The charge for this is £5 per child, per day

After School Club – Reception to Y6 – runs from the end of the school day 3.15pm until 6:00pm and until 4:45 for Nursery aged pupils.

Collections up until 4.45pm are £8.00 per child per day

Collections up until 5.45pm are £12.50 per child per day

Collections up until 6pm are £15:00 per child per day

These clubs run everyday during school term time.

Each Friday there will be a notice posted on Weduc (our school communication app) asking Parents/Carers to book any wraparound Care needs for the following week via a link.

If you have any questions regarding our wraparound care, please contact the school office on 01325 300227 or by email aycliffevillage@durhamlearning.net